Monday, March 26, 2012

Kindergarten at the farm - Sports day

The weather was predicted to be uncertain today with more rain expected so we decided to stay close to the barn and have a sports day. Before we went off to the play paddock there was just time for some puddling in the puddles.

And to check out the bunnies - they are a favourite each Monday when we come.

We have bought new jumping sacks so these were the first thing to be brought out. They took a bit of practice and lots of coordination but soon the children had them under control and were off racing. then it was time to put them on the head and see what would happen. It was 'all fall down' and great hilarity.

We had brought other sports equipment too so some played soccer while others explored the bush. That's what we love about the farm, every time we come there is so much to do and no two Mondays are the same. Lucky us to be here every Monday. Even lazing around in long grass is so much fun when you have good company.

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