Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to term 4.

Hi all and welcome back to the children and families. 
And welcome back too to Pat and Jemma who have been in Christchurch at ULearn08. They had a great time and really enjoyed presentations by Takapuna and Geraldine Kindergartens, Greerton Early Childhood Centre and Dave Winter from  Southall School, Hamilton East. 

Yesterday was our big community day, the Ambury Farm Open
Day. It was a fantastic day for it, sunny and bright. People came from all over the city to spend time on the farm, enjoying the farm related activities like tractor and pony rides and feeding
 lambs. The local organisations had fund-raising stalls and our sausage Sizzle was once again a big hit. 

Our children this morning chose tractor rides, the police cars, ambulance and fire engines, puppet shows and Cameron the horse as the favourites of the day. We really enjoyed seeing our families past and present as they came to buy a sausage and have a quick update on how things are going for them.

Today not only have we returned to kindergarten and all the children but we have returned to edit the next stage of our final Centre of Innovation report. This afternoon has been very intense with a very long phonecall on speaker with Margaret Carr and Sally Peters
our Associate researchers.

This morning everyone seemed very pleased to be back,
totally absorbed in using a new supply of wood and spending time climbing and enjoying being outside. We had 7 new children join us today too and they have been waiting for the end of the holidays to join the morning session. "What are the afternoon kids doing here" one child asked very perplexed. 

New Zealand's individual school start policy means that our session rolls change fairly constantly. Our interest in researching transition stems from our wish to work with children, families and primary teachers to strengthen the transition process for all.

Phelix was very intrigued by our new entrance to the science area and spent most of the morning making creative adjustments to the arch. Lachlan and  Kemen decided to investigate architecture and searched one of our reference books for the building style they wanted to use on their construction.

All in all it was a lovely productive morning, quiet and creative with children catching up with each other again after the two week break. 

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